How does exercise improve our mental health and well-being?

Did you know that according to research, only a little more than half of Poles regularly do sports? What exactly are the benefits of regular physical activity? Most of us know that consistent exercise has a positive effect on physical condition. In recent years, a growing body of research has shown that physical activity also has a significant impact on mental health and wellbeing. In this article, we’ll look at how movement can improve our mood, reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety, and what mechanisms are behind these positive effects.

Mechanisms of action of physical activity

Physical activity can positively affect mental health through several mechanisms. Movement affects mental health through a combination of physiological and psychological mechanisms, such as improved blood flow, changes in neurotransmitter levels, increased self-efficacy, and the possibility of social integration.

Physiological mechanisms

  • Increased blood flow in blood vessels: Regular physical activity increases blood flow, which helps deliver oxygen and nutrients to the brain and other tissues. It affects brain function, supports cognitive functions, memory and concentration.
  • Changes in neurotransmitter transmission: Have you ever noticed how good your mood is after an intense workout? This is not a coincidence! Exercise affects the levels of endorphins, called happiness hormones, such as dopamine and serotonin, which are associated with mood regulation, motivation, and feelings of satisfaction.
  • Reduced muscle tension: Physical activity helps to reduce muscle tension, which can relieve symptoms of stress.
  • Regulation of stress hormones: Regular exercise lowers cortisol levels, which helps to reduce stress and improve well-being. Lower cortisol levels promote better emotion regulation, which is crucial for staying calm and thinking rationally in the face of challenges.
  • Sleep cycle and quality: Physical activity can help regulate your sleep cycle and improve sleep quality. Healthy sleep is crucial for your mental health and overall well-being. Regular movement helps to regulate your circadian rhythm, which can lead to better sleep and deeper, more restorative sleep. It can reduce symptoms of insomnia, which leads to better concentration, mood, and overall resistance to stress.

Psychological mechanisms

Self-efficacy: Exercise can strengthen confidence in one’s abilities, which increases confidence and the ability to cope with difficulties. When you notice that you are getting better and better and subsequent workouts come easily to you, you will be less likely to give up exercise. The same can also translate into everyday life, sport can foster greater faith in one’s abilities.

Feeling in control, empowerment, and success: Achieving your training goals regularly can increase your sense of control over your life. Sticking to exercise consistently isn’t always easy. Often we simply do not have the strength to go to training or our time is limited. However, if we manage to train, despite the difficulties, it will have a positive effect on the feeling of independence and success. Developing an exercise routine requires self-discipline, which can be transferred to other areas of life, helping you cope with difficulties.

Social interaction effect: Group exercise can increase social support and improve self-esteem. Often, people get to know each other during joint runs or various types of group activities, such as playing volleyball, for example. It’s easier to exercise regularly with nice company! Then activity becomes a pleasure and an opportunity to socialize. Strong social bonds are an important factor in mental resilience because they provide emotional and practical support during difficult times. Regular group activity can lead to a sense of belonging, which increases feelings of security and emotional stability.

Impact of physical activity on mental health

Regular exercise can help build mental resilience, otherwise known as mental resilience. Mental resilience is the ability to adapt and cope with difficulties, stress and failures. 

The physiological and psychological benefits of sports protect us from the potential consequences of stressful events. For this reason, systematic exercise can prevent many chronic diseases. According to research, physical activity improves mood, reduces symptoms of depression and anxiety disorders. With regard to depression, physical activity reduces the risk of developing the clinical form of this disease, especially in its mild course. In people with anxiety disorders, studies have confirmed that they felt less anxious after exercise. 

Choosing the right activity

Choose an activity that you enjoy. Whether you enjoy cycling, climbing, or yoga, it’s important to enjoy exercise. Then it will also be easier to stick to your resolution to take care of your shape. In summer, outdoor activity can also have a positive effect on your well-being. Exercising with a friend or family member can be more motivating and enjoyable.

The WHO recommends at least 150-300 minutes of moderate aerobic activity per week for adults. Adjust the intensity and type of exercise to suit your age, health, and fitness level. Moderate physical activity is, for example, brisk walking, swimming, cycling (with moderate intensity), household and gardening (e.g. mowing the lawn, raking leaves). Limit the time you spend sitting and try to introduce breaks for movement if you have a sedentary job.

Plan your physical activity

Set aside time in your schedule for regular exercise so that it becomes part of your routine. Remember that any form of exercise is better than no exercise at all, so even short, regular breaks for physical activity can have health benefits.

Regular physical activity has a huge impact on mental health and wellbeing. It has a positive effect on mental health through a variety of mechanisms, from stress reduction and mood enhancement to improved cognitive function and sleep quality. It is an important element of prevention and therapy of many mental problems.

By strengthening self-efficacy, increasing feelings of control and success, and increasing social interaction, exercise can improve quality of life and protect against mental disorders. Choose an activity that makes you happy and enjoy all the benefits of regular exercise.

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