Weight Loss Diet – How to Start Healthy Weight Loss – Part 1

Every month, an average of 10 thousand people search the Internet for a recipe for the perfect weight loss diet. What to eat to lose weight on a diet in connection with the upcoming wedding, holidays, recommendations from the doctor or finally the desire to change your diet. In this article, you will learn what a tasty and simple weight loss diet can look like!

What is the best diet for weight loss?

Is there a single, universal diet for weight loss that guarantees you 100% effectiveness? Now you may feel like someone poured a bucket of cold water on your head, but it has to be said. There is no single, perfect diet for losing weight. There is no one and unique diet for weight loss that will help everyone – your uncle, grandmother, mother or boss. There are different types of weight loss diets that are considered more or less effective, e.g. ketogenic diet, Mediterranean diet, Dabrowska diet, sirtfood diet. However, the key to success and the most effective diet for weight loss is a diet that will be individually tailored to you.

Undoubtedly, it will be based on the basics of healthy eating, i.e. eating vegetables, fruits, wholegrain cereals or lean meat. Nevertheless, in such an individual slimming diet, there can be a place for your favorite products, not necessarily healthy, such as milk chocolate, a bar or pizza! Kasia likes knoppers and snickers, so they should be included in an individually tailored diet for weight loss. Jacek, on the other hand, loves scrambled eggs in butter with the addition of smoked bacon – and this can also be included in an effective and simple weight loss diet!

The menu should take into account your individual dietary preferences, and we know how to tailor the diet 100% to your needs. If you are looking for help in planning a diet for weight loss, contact us. Our online dietitians will be happy to prepare a tailored weight loss diet for you! We’ve helped over 20,000 people reach their goal, and our Google review is 5/5 based on over 400 reviews. Quick, tasty and individual online diets are our specialty.

Where to start losing weight?

How to start losing weight? You already know not to be 100% guided by the rules of specific weight loss diets. They can be quite strict and sometimes even harmful to health (e.g. the Dąbrowska diet). In addition, they can turn your current eating style 180 degrees, which will not work in practice at all. Also remember that it is the diet for weight loss that is supposed to be for you, not you for the diet!

So where to start losing weight? It will definitely be worth sticking to the rules that we have presented in the graphic below. They will allow you to stay full during a weight loss diet, as well as enjoy it!

How to stick to a weight loss diet?

You already know how to start a weight loss diet. You are on your way to achieving your goal. But most importantly – you need to maintain a weight loss diet for a long time to be able to see spectacular results! Therefore, use our tips on how to stick to a weight loss diet.


Avoid the all-or-nothing rule

All or nothing, 100% or nothing – such rules, or rather pseudo rules, have nothing to do with healthy eating. Such an attitude can strongly threaten your weight reduction and, above all, your healthy relationship with food. Black and white thinking is characterized by the division of products into forbidden and advisable. There is no place for forbidden products in a slimming diet. Of course, there will be products whose share is worth minimizing. Nevertheless, in a properly composed diet for weight reduction, they can appear in moderate amounts.

Let’s take sweets as an example. Your favorite influencer created a post on Instagram entitled “how to start losing weight?”. You read in it that the first thing you need to do is to get rid of all sweets from your diet. The goal may be beautiful, but unfortunately utopian. Until now, they have appeared very often in your diet, so it will be unlikely that you will completely reject them overnight. After a few days, your “craving” for sweets is so great that you throw your resolution in the corner and consume definitely excessive amounts of sweets. And after that, the situation repeats itself over and over again. This is a mistake that should be avoided by introducing your favorite meals or products in smaller quantities into your diet than before. If you want to lose weight and, very importantly, maintain weight after reduction, then abandon black and white thinking. Adjust your diet to yourself and allow yourself some deviations from time to time [1].

Take care of an adequate caloric deficit

A caloric deficit, simply put, is the difference between your caloric needs and how many calories you actually consume. Deficit is the basis of the basics during the weight loss process – it is responsible for every kilogram less on the scale. To lose 1 kg of body fat, you need to create a deficit of about 7700 kcal. For example, if you want to lose 0.5 kg in a week, your daily deficit should be 550 kcal. If you want to lose 1 kg of body fat in a month, your daily deficit is 275 kcal. The optimal level of weight loss is 0.5% to 1% of body weight per week.

Use the article above to accurately calculate your needs and choose a caloric deficit that will allow you to gradually lose weight while maintaining satiety. It will be a good idea to start a weight loss diet with an energy deficit of about 15% of the total energy requirement. 

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